Insights on building better workplaces

Our latest articles on mentorships, learning and development, employee retention, DEIB, remote work, and building effective teams.
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The compelling benefits of having mental health mentors at work
February 1, 2023
Discover how mental health mentoring can support your staff's well-being. With the right guidance, employees can manage and overcome stress and boost their productivity.
Workplace Wellbeing
How to support accountability in mentoring relationships
February 1, 2023
Accountability is not simply trying to catch employees doing the wrong things. Rather, it is giving people a standard to aim for or a common expectation that is based on your organization’s mission and value statements. Mentorship is key to holding both leaders and employees accountable.
Tips and Tricks
Leadership Development
High Potentials
14 Books To Help You Run A Successful Mentoring Program [Plus 10 Other Resources]
January 30, 2023
Here are over a dozen books and resources on mentoring that unpack the opportunities and practical advice for mentors, mentees, and leaders launching mentoring programs.
Tips and Tricks
7 compelling reasons your organization needs a mentoring program
January 30, 2023
There's a strong business case for having a mentoring program. Here are seven reasons to have one and how to sell it to senior leaders.
Diversity & Inclusion
Why Mentorship
Tips and Tricks
How to start a mentorship program for employees of color
January 30, 2023
Mentoring programs designed to promote the advancement of employees from diverse backgrounds are proven to work. But there are nuances to successful mentoring programs. We share the 7 steps to launching a mentorship program for employees of color.
Diversity & Inclusion
How mentorship can expand your professional network
January 30, 2023
Here's how to leverage your mentoring relationships to grow your network and your career.
Cross Generational Mentoring
Tips and Tricks
Why Mentorship
40 ways to say ‘thank you’ and show your appreciation for your mentor
January 25, 2023
Here are dozens of ways to say 'thank you' — whether short and sweet, funny, or sincere.
Why Mentorship
Individual development plans: How to accelerate employee growth
January 25, 2023
Investing in employee growth is essential for talent retention and business success. Here’s how you can accelerate the process with individual development plans.
Attracting and Retaining Talent
High Potentials
Leadership Development
Learning and Development

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