Mentorship Masterclass: How to Promote your mentorship program

We’re sharing everything we know about how to promote and launch a mentorship program. This event is designed to provide you with actionable insights and practical strategies to kickstart and sustain a successful mentorship initiative within your organization.
Lauren Pazzano
Implementation Manager, Together
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Event Overview:

We’re sharing everything we know about how to promote and launch a mentorship program. This event is designed to provide you with actionable insights and practical strategies to kickstart and sustain a successful mentorship initiative within your organization.

Key Takeaways:

  • How to get people excited: Learn innovative techniques to generate enthusiasm and buy-in from potential participants.
  • Creating a valuable experience: Discover how to design a mentorship program that delivers meaningful and impactful experiences for both mentors and mentees.
  • Leveraging Technology: Explore the latest tools and platforms that can streamline your mentorship program and enhance engagement.
  • Real-world Examples: Gain insights from real-life case studies and success stories to see how these strategies work in practice.

Okay, so we're going to get started here now.

So thank you everybody for joining us.

I am really excited to be hosting this session.

And of course what we having Lauren our presenter, Today's topic is going to be all about promoting your mentorship program.

So we're going to be diving into the strategies, but mostly leading on the actual tactical examples that you can use the events the emails in the different kind of approaches.

You can take to attracting participants and driving registrants to your mentorship program.

This is designed to be very actionable.

So whether you are someone who manages your program full-time or you're someone who has only a couple of hours a week to manage it we hope that you can find something out of here that you can Implement today for your next cohort that's really going to drive an impact and again really boost engagement that you have with your mentorship program.

My part is going to be short and sweet.

Lauren is going to be your guide today.

She is one of our implementation managers here at together what that means is that she has worked hand-in-hand with our admins to design their programs to help them get them set up on together, but also helps get them strategic advice with things like promotion and how to drive registrants.

So again, I will keep my port kind of short and sweet and leave it off to Lauren.


Thank you, Brent.

So we're going to be running through quite a full schedule today.

It's going to be very packed with practical examples real stories from our customers.

And of course tons of templates, like Brent said that you will be able to take away from today and work with really I want to start with an overview of what promotion means at a high level, and then we're going to dive into some core tactics some strategies that we see that work best for attracting participants keeping them engaged and then driving them to return to your next program.

So then we're going to wrap things up in the end with some information on reporting during the registration process and then finally some dedicated Q&A time at the end.

So just to do a little bit of an introduction to myself to add on to what Brent was saying.

I am an implementation manager here at together and I get to work with some amazing customers DHL hurts and H&M to help them bring and build really meaningful.

And effective mentorship programs.

So I really just worked to give them the confidence that they need to build amazing programs and find success in the mentorship space.

So I mentioned the book I am reading right now because if you're one of my customers, you know, I am a big reader.

So please feel free to drop into the chat what you're reading right now or your favorite book that you would always recommend to someone.

I always love seeing those So now that kind of the stage is set.

We're ready to hop into it, and we want to talk a bit of about kind of just a high level overview of the tactics that we're going to be discussing today.

So it's definitely important to note that promotion activities when it comes to your mentorship program.

Go beyond just inviting people to your programs.

So it's not a one-and-done activity.

It's not just you know, you send them the email invite and then okay promotion is over you want to really create a successful program by being thoughtful and considerate and thorough about your promotion and that's really why we're here today.

And that's what we want to share with you.

So thinking about promotion is really essentially every step of the way.

But you will definitely want to ensure first and foremost that you have a strong sense of what your program design will look like and who is going to be eligible to participate.

So in order to create really good promotional materials that are super captivating.

It's essential that you know who you're promoting to and what you're promoting.

So if it's not clear in your mind, it's not going to be clear in your users Minds either.

So that's something helpful to keep in mind.

So during the launch stage.

We're really interested in two things one getting employees to register, of course and two ensure that employees are prepared to participate, so they're not just prepared to fill out a form and register.

They're really prepared to take part in your program.

Post-launch after you have launched your program the promotion doesn't stop there.

It's and this is particularly true.

If you have you know, evergreen or ongoing program or a peer-to-peer colleague connect program where participants can you know leave and join as they'd like, so at this stage of the post launch, we're really focusing on driving more participation from those program participants and then post program, so Your program is done.

It was a great success.

We're focused on setting up success for the next iteration and getting folks really excited to join, you know the next program and be a part of mentorship on an ongoing basis.

And really the best promotion campaigns get people to take action.

So it's actually it's not enough just to be informed and educated.

We want them to take action and the marketing principles behind taking action actually provided with a really simple model for how to make this happen.

So one people need to be aware of the action you want them to take and two they need to be motivated to take this action and motivation can be kind of broken down into two separate pieces that will want to kind of consider and juggle in this process.

And the first piece is desire.

So is this something I wanted to do does this provide me with something that I want, and I am looking for And then friction is kind of our blocker is this difficult to do you know it gets in the way of taking action, and you want to really minimize friction as much as possible and friction can be real, so it can be oh, you know, I am finding this program difficult to access or manage, or it can be imagined or a self-limiting belief.

For example, you know, I am not experienced enough to be a mentor.

I am not good enough to participate in this program and the tactics and tools were going to be discussing today can be used to spark this desire and reduce this friction.

And these tools can be broken down into three parts.

So the first is creating Champions.

So Champions are The Advocates who are going to help you spread the word about your program and boost your promotions.


So this is all about running engaging events to get the word out about your program.

And then mass communication.

So we have email.

We have Internet we have teams really it's just about taking advantage of multiple channels to get generic or to targeted messages across.

So now we're going to dive in to creating those Champions and finding those Champions and how we go about that.

So finding Champions is one of the first things you should be thinking about when planning for your promotions Champions are not always but often their leaders managers even past participants in your program and the best ones have a vested interest in seeing the people they're connected with thrive in the workplace.

Whether that's you know, those they're connected with through reporting lines or even social relationships.

And the good thing is they want what you want they want for your mentorship program to be a success.

So Champions can really help bolster all the other promotion efforts that you're putting out there.

They can sponsor your content support your content and even participate themselves in the mentorship program.

When you get someone to Champion your program you have essentially found yourself like an internal recruiter for the program, which is super valuable.

And yeah, essentially we're in the next couple of size.

We're just going to share some ways to actually sort of activate these Champions and enable them to support your program.

So empowering managers we're going to start off with people managers and leaders is kind of the first category of Champions to consider.

So we want to connect with them.

And before you launch the program that's you know, a really helpful time identify the leaders and managers who have relationships with the employees that you're that are eligible to participate in your program.

So these could be people managers directors or really any other senior execs in the company, and you can always work with it your HRS team.

To pull a list of the People Who oversee the employees who are eligible to participate in your program.

And another great place to find leaders is in your ergs.

So ergs are a natural partner to mentorship programs and we action often.

We actually often see, you know, customers Start mentorship programs from within or ergs and because these groups are already, you know, established.

They're discussing career progression getting the leaders of these ergs to Champion.

Your program can be a really natural fit.

And once you have identified these Champions through whichever method that you choose.

You will want to reach out to them and share what you have been working on.

So depending on how many managers are leaders you have identified.

This could be as simple as you know, maybe a one-to-one coffee chat or if it's a larger group.

You can send them an email or even schedule an event to let them know, you know, this is what the program is all about.

These are our goals and these are the benefits that your employees could expect to experience if they're able to join.

Another great way to engage Champions is providing them with dedicated resources that educate them about the program and let them know what its role would be in helping develop their employees.

So we will actually be sharing a really helpful one pager that can be used to help educate your champions.

And in this kind of communication, you will definitely want to highlight key info about the program and then tie it back to the goals.

It's intended to achieve, so you can help your managers.

See this as a tool a new tool in their tool belt.

So it's something that they can.

Take advantage of, and it's a lover for their employees to grow and learn.

So this high-level information should tell managers what the employee experience will be like if they're able to join the program.

It's also super helpful to include resources that can help managers understand the program or deeply so whether that's blog posts links to internet posts kickoff webinars or even feedback and stories from past participants, and we will be covering how to create these things later on in the presentation.

But essentially you want to provide managers with clear guidelines on how do I identify who would make a good mentee or mentor and how to refer that employee to your program?

And in our follow-up note, we will be sharing an email template design that includes all the benefits of mentoring, and it can let these Champions know, you know how it will help their employees grow and develop And then in terms of timing to make this particular effective, we will want to make sure that we're aligned with managers and employees at a time when they're thinking about their skill and career development.

So letting managers know that this program exists in the first place to help improving engagement and create those learning opportunities.

It really just helps them, you know be empowered to share this with their employees because they themselves, you know believe in the benefit.

And if you have a new cohort coming up or launching a new program or your first program, you will definitely want to do this in advance of the official launch date because it's a great thing to sort of connect with these Champions really as early as possible and right after you finalize your program structure and design, you know, who's going to be eligible, and you have a clear sense of the goals and the benefits of the program.

And I am going to take a moment now to check out the Q&A and see the questions that are coming through and just seeing if there's anything that I can help respond to.

So Natalie mentioned or asked, you know, do my chance also have a one-pager to share with registrants on the registration process and getting an account set up on the together platform.

So, yes, absolutely.

We have a Whole Health Center full of resources on this and within the platform.

We also have some great templated Communications on the process of getting registered and getting your account set up in the platform.

Great question All right.

I want to share a great success story from one of our customers First Horizon Banks.

So in a past customer panel Tiffany from First Horizon Bank shared this great story with us about how leveraging leaders inside her organization helps drive and has helped drive more employees to register and more employees to participate in the mentorship program.

So Tiffany spends dedicated time doing this Outreach and relationships with senior leaders, and really she's just, you know, an a major advocate for the program and by sharing the benefits and the past successes as well.

As you know, the East abuse of togethers platform.

She actually does more than just getting the leaders aligned on the same page.

She gets them really excited as well because they have fully see the benefit of the program.

It and celebrating participation is really another incredibly valuable tactic, you know, not only do you highlight a star mentee or Mentor you also motivate employees who are on the fence and considering joining, and it gets them to the next stage of actively wanting to join.

And people respond very positively to authenticity, of course, so you can, you know, of course list all the benefits from every source of available, but people will still want to hear from someone that they know.

So the most powerful thing is sharing real feedback because this way you can show people the benefits rather than just telling them.

So it's super powerful especially for attracting mentors to the program positive stories.

And these testimonies can challenge their, you know, potentially limiting beliefs that you know, maybe they're not a good Mentor.

Maybe they won't benefit from being a mentor.

So the best way to collect these is through Periodic surveys and session feedback.

So surveys can be sent at Key Milestones.

Maybe after their first mentorship session halfway through the program maybe at the end of the program.

You can ask participants targeted questions such as how was your Mentor mentee relationship impacted your professional development, or you know, what has been the most rewarding part of your mentorship experience and with together with our software.

This is super simple.

You can create really relevant surveys and have them automatically sent out based on key milestones.

And in terms of setting feedback at the end of each session to gather will collect feedback from each participant after the session ends.

And this is great for understanding, you know, not only if their parenting is on track for success, but also understanding what their feedback is about the experience.

What are they learning?

How are they feeling all that good stuff?

Participant testimonies as well because it's such a powerful tool.

You really want to embed it everywhere.

So, you know, you can share stand-alone posts highlighting a single piece of feedback in your intranet.

For example, you can also invite past mentors and mentees to your kickoff events to speak to the benefits of participating in the program.

I have seen this have, you know, amazing success and kick off or training events.

You really see people perk up once.

Oh, yeah, you know this leader for my company is talking about how they had an amazing experience being a mentor or mentee.

I am definitely going to get a listen to them.

So that's a really powerful tool in your tool as well.

You can, you know, embed quotes and testimonials into your announcement emails and for their Communications to your Champions.

The goal here really is to show others how real the benefit is of this program.

And one of the most rewarding things you can do both for, you know, the sake of motion and for yourself is to keep a file of all the positive feedback that you receive from participants and the possibilities for this are really endless.

So it's why it's such an important activity to have when you're thinking about promotion, so you can also click into this slide later, and I encourage you to do so and you will find some asset images that are perfect for sharing on Teams or even in posts to LinkedIn or via your internet.

So definitely recommend doing that.

And again, I am going to hop to the chat and see some questions that have come in will participants receive a copy of your presentation.

Yes, if you're talking about this presentation, absolutely you will be receiving the recording And Deborah is asked, so you send out a default feedback form for mentees to complete or does the admin need to draft that so within the plot form?

We actually have automated post session feedback surveys that will be sent out after every session that's held in.

Great question And Anna has asked.

How do you advertise for the program?

If this is the first time you're planning to launch?

I don't have any quotes or feedback yet.

Yeah, absolutely.

And if this is your first program, you won't have the assets to pull from I think what's important to note here is that you will want to as you're planning for your first program you want to create opportunities for yourself to gather this kind of feedback for this program and for future programs, and we will chat about some other methods of advertising later on in the presentation that don't rely on, you know, having had run a program in the past.

So great question.


So I want to share another success story and this one is from Triple A.

So this is a lovely quote from Crystal at Triple A and or as an organization they do a really fantastic job of finding past participants to play a role in the promotion of their programs.

So at the end of each cohort their program admin connects with both mentees and mentors and asks them what benefit they got out of the program.

They then shared this throughout their program Communications and really create a wonderful chain a real promotion using real stories, which is amazing.

Another one of our great customers wholesome.

They really recently demonstrated the value of celebrating participation by creating this promotional video.

It features real employees speaking about their experience in the program.

And if you have a chance, I highly recommend giving it a watch it's an excellent video and an amazing example of using those real experiences as a promotional tool that's you know, especially compelling for users.

So now we're going to chat a bit about events.

So we want to dive into the exciting world of events and all that has in store there, and we have one more question before I move on to events in the Q&A for Marion.

The matchmaking in together needs to be spontaneous or can we set it up manually as admins.

So there are a couple different options with matchmaking in together and our team can follow up with you with some resources on that.

We essentially have the option of admin LED matching or user-led matching both taking advantage of our amazing algorithm.

So we will follow up with you and make sure you have the resources you need on that.


Okay, so I want to talk a little bit about events as a tactic and as an amazing tactic to have in your promotion toolkit.

We often see and help customers leverage events at Key moments to build momentum in the program as well as for those who attend events whether they're participants are champions.

They always leave feeling more excited about the program which is exactly what we want and events really allow you to promote your program in a much deeper and personal way instead of reading, you know about the program from an email you're able to personally speak to the audience and dive much deeper into the program itself and events also play a role in all areas of your promotion activities.

So we're going to be breaking down the ones that we see and help customers with the most often and the first would be a program kickoff.

So program kickoffs are an excellent way to raise awareness to build enthusiasm and to communicate key messages to those who are interested and eligible to participate in the mentorship program.

So these events are typically held at the beginning of a program for cohort style programs.

You would hold.

Done right before registration Begins for evergreen or always running programs.

You would have them at the start and then potentially on an ongoing basis throughout the life of the program.

And if you have been running your program multiple times, you can use these presentations to show how participation has grown and how the program itself has evolved.

So it doesn't have to just happen once per program.

We want these events to be moments throughout the year that people can look forward to and expect and kick off of events formally introduce the program to mentees and mentors and give them a clear idea of what they can expect from The Experience.

We have helped customers with this in the past and what really works well is you know showing how accessible the program is how to register how to be matched and how the session will be facilitated.

And this really does go along way to kind of reduce any feelings of overwhelm and create a lot of excitement, and we will be sharing a templated program overview slide that you're welcome to leverage in any call Related at your promoting the program.

It's also definitely important to tie the kickoff of events backs to the goals and reasons for starting the program.

This is definitely particularly impactful when it's linked to employee survey results and really showing them, you know how the program has been designed based on their feedback and based on other internal priorities.

So it shows that the Learning and Development team HR dni teams.

They're all listening, and they're starting programs to meet the needs of employees that have been flagged.

So communicating the available resources that can help employees participate is really crucial, you know sharing details about events like office hours mentee Mentor handbooks courses blog posts really anything that informs, you know what it takes to be a good mentee or mentor and these resources also provide an ongoing level of just support and help as participants want to feel prepared and excited for registration opening up.

And towards the end of kickoff of events.

It's a specialty crucial to communicate Keith dates and actions people need to take as well as how they can take those actions.

So we want to always make this clear simple and concise and remove any confusion whatsoever.

Lastly having some sort of Q&A session is a great opportunity, you know, your presentation might not cover everything your participants want to know so giving them an opportunity to ask questions is really key.

Next I want to chat about office hours.

So office hours are another incredible way that we have seen customers Drive participation from their employees as well.

As you know, similar to a kickoff event where those who may be are not part of the program can come in ask questions and potentially be you know, spark their interest enough to participate themselves.

And it's a really incredible forum for questions and answers from participants in your current program as well.

So this could be mentors who come seeking assistance for something, you know as mundane as had a navigated the program or something as strong as you know, trying to coach them towards new resources to help them be a better mentor, and you will also be surprised by the number of people who come in, you know such as people managers who want to learn about the program understand what it's all about and see if they should recommend it to their employees or not and office hours are often incredible way for you to remain flexible with the people who are interested in joining the program as it's just an outlet for them to come and learn and having it readily available is really impactful to have that.

They all can be a form of ongoing support as well.

As you know, an initial education resource program admins can run these leading up to their program and even continue on an ongoing basis.

Once the program has begun.

Now I want to share about graduation ceremonies.

So graduation ceremonies are a really incredible way to end your program with a memorable experience.

So strategically graduation ceremonies can help you achieve two things, so they can solidify the benefits of the program to participants.

So really help creating those Champions out of past participants as well as creating future participants who are seeing this impact and really inspired by it.

And you will also get to share the impact of the program with the rest of the organization.

So the event format is primarily for cohort programs that have a defined start date.

And a specific end date and in terms of who's going to join, you know, of course the participants in the program, but feel free to extend it beyond that and have other managers and Senior leaders join again to see the impact.

And these events are typically part presentation part panel.

So it's helpful when you're presenting this to start off by reminding people of the original goal that you set and then reiterate the purpose of the program and dive into how the program achieved those goals.

So you can show Numbers about registration participants mentorship ratings as well as pieces of feedback from the sessions and all these stats can be pulled from togethers reporting Suite which is great and when you're planting the event, you can select a few willing participants from the program itself to join for quick panel.

You can ask them questions about their experience hear what they learned and how it's contributed to their development, and you can have a good mix of mentees and mentors and the event may only be you know, 30 to 45 minutes, but they're incredibly impactful and can give your mentors and mentees a great sense of accomplishment a genuine sense of accomplishment.

They did something and there'd be rewarded for it.

And we have another great example from Triple-A in using events as a core part of their promotion strategy.

So at the end of their cohort they schedule event for all to all participants where they share their experiences of participating.

So having this moment to celebrate the accomplishments of participants is a great time to just reflect on what the program meant to them, and it really often encourages past participants to join again, and you know, ideally it can see mentees become mentors which is amazing progression, and you can also see here how finding Champions plays a role in all other promotion activities.

So the graduation ceremony is not just about who participated you want to share these stories across the organization and find folks who, you know might be friends or colleagues or managers, and they can see how you know, their peer was impacted by the program, and it can Inspire them to join as well.

Now we're going to chat through about mastering mass communication in, and I am just going to take a second to look at the Q&A.

Look at the Q&A here.

So recall said how is mentee Mentor matching driven in the new hire experienced?

Is that mostly admin driven with an admin selecting the mentor for the new higher since they do not know more tenured team members?

So really depends on we're quite flexible.

It depends on how your program is set up again.

We will reach out to you after with some kind of dedicated resources on the different matching processes and how to choose the one that is a suit.


Now we're going to, or we're going to talk about mass communication and the Art of mastering it so emails or mass communication is really one of the most commonly used tactics.

We see you for promoting mentorship programs many of the core emails like program announcements and invites are really key to running a successful promotion effort.

However, there are a couple tips that we often give to customers to help provide a bit of a boost to every message.

They send to create awareness and motivation to join the platform.

So we're going to be covering Three core tips for improving the performance of your mass communications.

The first one would be running Taylor campaigns to effectively communicate with different audiences.

The second is sending multiple calms boost awareness and the third is leveraging multiple channels to ensure that you remain top of mind.

Now we're going to focus on running tailored campaigns.

So this is essential really for a very effective promotion effort at the heart of tailored campaigns is the principal of targeted Communications.

So to achieve maximum results and exceed registration targets.

It's really beneficial to tailor the language in your program announcements and invitation emails to the specific audience that you're addressing.

So focusing on key messaging this doesn't need to be done for every single communication you send but when it's done, well the results can be very exciting.

So the highest impact area tailor your Communications on is your program invites, so you can segment your audience and understand who it is that you're reaching out to so understanding that interests and the needs of your mentees and mentors is really crucial to create Communications that will increase motivation.

So this involves segmenting your audience based on their roles their needs and their preferences.

For example mentors might be more interested in the professional development and networking opportunities aspect of the program while mentees might be more focused on Career guidance and skill development.

So use the feedback you receive from participants to refine your messaging the post session feedback is a great way to do this as well as the survey results.

If you haven't collected this for your mentorship program, or you haven't run a program before you can always use other surveys that measure employee experience to develop insights really into what is most important to segment.

And automation, you know together is platform helps a lot with the effort required to set Taylor campaigns up.

So when sending out program invites and reminders you will be able to edit and adjust the emails that are sent to mentees and mentors, and you can also be supported with personalized emails and tokens through our HS integration you're able to reference any piece of information that you have connected to our system, which is super handy.

And we have two more questions that have been shared.

So let us take a sec to look at those.

Miriam is asked is each mentor and mentee need to create a together account?

Yes, again.

We will reach out to you with some more details, but they would need to create an account.

And will you be sharing the recording of the session Barbers asking yes indeed?

We will be sharing the recording and a whole slew of really helpful resources after the presentation.

So highlight another success story from our lovely customer HubSpot.

So in our latest customer panel HubSpot demonstrated, really exactly why Taylor Communications are so important.

So like many orgs HubSpot had fewer mentors, and they did mentees by sending out invites with tailored messages to mentors.

They helped increase the focus on the core message that they wanted to get across and by tailoring the message to help them achieve their needs participants were more about we're able to more clearly understand the value of the program, and it's sparked a lot more interest and along with other changes like automating follow-ups and allowing mentors to have more than one mentee.

They actually exceeded their registration targets by 2.3 times, which is amazing.

And sending multiple calms.

So we also really want to just highlight the importance of you know, sending Communications in different channels.

So the messages that you send are super important.

But again, we have to remember that it's not a one-time effort.

So we want to automate certain things.

But also make sure that we're taking advantage of multiple channels.

So whatever channels you have access to essentially those are the ones that you want to take advantage of And our customer firm is really wonderful at doing this and making sure that they're leveraging multiple Communications not just relying on emails, but tapping into their company newsletter, which goes out weekly to engage employees further.

And again, we want to avoid that email fatigue by leveraging multiple channels email is you know, that's our go-to of course, but we really want you to take advantage of your intranet your teams or Slack notifications any other channels that you have even an events Town Halls hours.

Anyway that you can reach people we want to be taking advantage of that.

And again MTI group, they're wonderful at this and in our last customer panel, which I definitely recommend that you check out Pablo shared that this is just kind of a common practice for them, and they find it to be really valuable.

And now I want to share a great resource that.

I will encourage you to look back on after the presentation and that is some promotion schedules.

So these schedules are a helpful breakdown of how you might want to plan and get ready for your program launched.

So the plans are based around when you finish designing your program, and we want to make sure you don't feel like you need to do all of this during the launch phase.

You can always recruit Champions at any point, but this is kind of a helpful breakdown of an example schedule during registration.

We have another schedule post launch because again, it's not all just about the launch.

And then we have a post program.

So this is a helpful promotion schedule for Once your program is out there and over we want to make sure that you're recruiting your standout participants to help participate in your panels and get your stories from them as well.

As you know participating in your next program.

I am going to hop over to the Q&A quickly because I see we have some questions that have come through.

Cassandra has asked what is your advice when it comes to promoting mentorship, but both mentors and mentees are busy with their current roles and hesitant about time and effort required?

Great question.

I think that really a good way to get the message across is just to be super clear about what the expectations are on the program.

Sometimes it seems a bit overwhelming because it's just like it just seems like a big concept.

Okay mentorship formal mentorship, but if you tell them, you know, it's only an hour a month, or it's only an hour and a half every two weeks.

Whatever your particular expectations are communicating that often makes it feel less overwhelming.

Another question are there resources to from together to help promote specific skills mentees could learn aside from cases or to the stories shared?

I am envisioning example agendas of what a mentee could expect to learn, but I think people want to understand in a snap how so yeah, we definitely can share again with you after some great example agendas that we have that can help guide the mentorship experience for and then Natalie seeking ideas for how to develop goals and monitoring the goals.

Can you speak a little bit to that?

So I will reach out to you after with some great resources on that because it's a pretty massive topic, and it really depends on how you're approaching the program, but it's a great question, and we can definitely support you with that.

I am going to hop quickly to discuss some reporting before we bring it all together in our final Q&A.

So I am just going to go to reporting and chat through kind of how you can find the best data for promotion within the platform.

So overall registrants this helps you understand how your promotion efforts are comparing against your Targets number of mentors and mentees.

This helps.

You understand what types of registrants are signing up and then Mentor capacity.

This is actually unique to reporting in together, and it allows you to know before it's too late whether you have enough mentors or potentially enough men to use in your program.

The profile breakdown report, so this will be pivotal and understanding the demographics of your participants as well as filtering data on how they were responded to certain questions.

This will tell you if your ideal audience is actually participating in the program itself, which is super valuable.

And then next we have preparing reports.

So these are helpful in deciding, you know, when you registered enough participants the pairing Readiness report compares the number of mentees to the number of mentors and give you gives you a sense of your true capacity and whether you're ready to launch or you need to do additional Improvement and the report also takes into account your matching rules to show you how matching will play out and essentially tell you if you have enough of the right mentors to be successful.

And finally, we wanted to just chat about you know if you're looking at everything, and you're hearing everything we have discussed today, and you're feeling really overwhelmed.

It's a lot of work using a mentorship platform like together can really help you get this all done.

So our platform manages your program from end to end helping you create an incredible mentoring experience for your employees.

It can save you hours, you know for matching participants falling up with people managing a million spreadsheets that you can Instead, you know spend this time on meaningful activities, like promoting your program and supporting participants and dreaming up what the next program could look like.

Together has been actually in the easiest to use mentorship software category for the last four years, which were very proud of having a mentorship program where it's quick and easy to register match and book sessions with the mentor goes a really long way in driving engagement.

And as we mentioned it's important to keep motivation to participate high and together helps you do this by making the process very clear and very simple And we're actually the most customizable platform on the market again something else that we're really proud of all emails surveys and reminders are automated by together, and they're fully customizable.

So when you run your program on together, you're able to completely white label it with your own branding, and you can also customize the program structure create different program types tailor the matching algorithm and even link your own resources, and of course, we offer tons of help support and templates to get you started right away, and lastly.

Our support team is really more of a partner to you as an admin.

So all our customers get dedicated onboarding and trading resources from folks like me to help ensure.

Your program is ready to launch, and we offer as well program strategy and design sessions.

That can help you define your program as well as ensure your promotion and engagement efforts are meeting the best practice standards out there.

So that's all the content that we wanted to share with you today.

And now it's time for our Q&A.

So I see that we already have a couple questions queued up, but you have if you have any burning questions that you have been wanting to share, please feel free to do so now in the Q&A tab.

Raquel is asking.

What's your advice for promoting participation and gaining buy-in for new program for new hires in a production or sales driven organization with concerns with taking hourly teammates off the production floor for mentorship sessions?

So that's a great question and definitely not an uncommon challenge to experience.

I think that in those cases it's really great to kind of Identify some key leaders and decision makers and really work to get there by in and make sure that they understand that you know, you even asking them has have you not had any mentors like, you know, we're all where we are because of the mentors who have influenced us.

So if they understand that this is a program that is not just, you know unnecessary.

It really is necessary to people's development and growth in any kind of role.

So I think getting buying from them and then helping kind of create that prioritization is Really key.

And then the next question from Anna does the platform also show how successful pairing is or is this captured through a survey?

Yes, the platform also shows you how successful appearing is it will tell you how many sessions people have had how many sessions they have scheduled for the future what their average kind of satisfaction rating is as well as any specific feedback that they have given and then besides that it will also give you a sense of is there anything on track or do they require some check-in, and it will automate all of that, so you know, you will be sending the surveys but even if folks aren't feeling up the surveys you can still track their success for the platform.

Great question All right.

Well we See if there's any other questions coming through.

I am just going to highlight a couple other things.

So for our customers who have joined us today.

Thank you so much for connecting.

And if you have questions, please feel free to reach out to your customer success team or your account manager.

We're always happy to offer you tailored advice answer your questions and provide you with the support you need for promotion.

If you want to learn more about together and how our platform can potentially help you automate the admin work of, you know, designing launching and running a mentorship program.

Please feel free to book some time to chat with our team during this call, you know, we can share more about how the platform can help create a best-in-class mentorship program that your employees and stakeholders will love, so you can book a call by clicking on the button that you see in the slide and the slides will be shared with you along with the recording after the session.

So thank you all so much for joining and really appreciate all the familiar faces or names that I see as well as the new folks that have joined.

It's been great to chat with you all.

I am really looking forward to seeing you.

Put in the chat later.

Yeah, so thank you so much.

It's been a pleasure.