Make Knowledge Sharing Easy with Live Q&A
Employees can post their most pressing questions and draw on your whole organization’s collective expertise for answers.
Lunch and Learns, Office Hours, Ask-Me-Anythings — run them all at scale with Live Q&A

Across every department— employees can share what’s got them stumped
Examples of Live Q&A questions:
What objection-handling techniques work well for you?
How do you set up a new landing page?
What are some techniques you use for debugging and testing code efficiently?
Customer success:
How to plan and develop a customer partnership roadmap?
What are helpful tips and best practices for interviewing?
How do I decide my long-term career goals?

Discover where there are knowledge gaps; popular questions rise to the top
Employees can upvote and follow questions that capture their interest to keep up with developments.
Drive engagement; anyone can follow up with related questions
Employees can tack on additional questions, or share another lens on a topic, making for a more robust discussion.

Reveal experts; those with answers host video sessions to help others learn
Employees who are experts on a topic can volunteer to host the Live Q&A.
Zoom, Teams, Webex—use the tools you already know
When you’re ready to host a session, Live Q&A integrates seamlessly with all video conferencing tools. Schedule the session with the click of a button and everyone following the topic will be invited.